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Southern Catalpa

Catalpa bignonioides


Southern Catalpa is a small to medium size tree (35′-40′ at maturity) with a short trunk. Its showy white flower clusters bloom in late Spring and it is well known for its heart shaped leaves.

It is an excellent shelterbelt and provides excellent erosion control. It grows throughout most of Oklahoma (all except the panhandle). It prefers deep, moist soil in sunny locations.



  • Price:


  • SKU: 5-1-1
  • Type: Hardwood
  • Hardiness Zones: 6, 7, 8
  • Moisture Zones: All, but Panhandle
  • Soil Type: Moist
  • Windbreak: Good
  • Erosion Control:
  • Wildlife: Good
  • Product Type: Bare-Root Seedlings

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