For more information:
Melody Aufill, Ag in the Classroom Coordinator
Melody.Aufill@ag.ok.gov | 405.795.0121
February 23, 2024
Ag in the Classroom Announces 2024 Teacher of the Year
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom is excited to announce Mrs. Jackie McGolden as the 2024 Teacher of the Year.
“After watching Jackie interact with her students through the years, it is evident her passion for teaching about agriculture is not limited to one day or even one thematic unit, but she infuses agriculture into every part of the year,” said State AITC Coordinator, Melody Blosser. “Her students have hands-on opportunities with production agriculture on a regular basis.”
McGolden has taught at Fairview Public Schools for 25 years and has been a teacher for 38 years.
“Last summer, a past student told her younger brother he would be in my class next year,” McGolden said. “She couldn’t wait to tell her brother that I would soon be his teacher and he would get to visit the Sale Barn. This interaction made me wonder how past students viewed me, and then I realized that is exactly how I want to be viewed.”
Over the years, McGolden has faithfully participated in everything Ag in the Classroom has to offer, such as On the Road with Ag in the Classroom. She attended the National Ag in the Classroom Conference and presented at the State Ag in the Classroom Conference.
“Teaching agriculture to my students is second nature to me,” McGolden said. “Having been raised on the farm all my life, I have a deep understanding about its importance. I want my students to learn all they can about agriculture, but more importantly, I want to instill in them an appreciation for agriculture.”
McGolden won numerous honors and awards including Fairview Teacher of the Year and Elgin Teacher of the Year. She received the State FFA Honorary Degree and FFA Honorary Degrees from the Fairview and Elgin Chapters. Last year, she received an Excellence in Education Merit Award from Professional Oklahoma Educators.
“I love teaching about agricultural topics and exposing my students to new things both in our rural area and in the world around us,” McGolden said. “I believe if we do not teach them about the importance of agriculture, someone else will teach them inaccurate information.”
Fairview Public Schools Superintendent, Craig Church, said students benefit from their teacher’s love for ag.
“Many of Mrs. McGolden’s students are growing up in a rural setting and these students are excited to see what ag tie-in she has in store for them each week,” Church said. “The students from more of an urban setting are enamored with getting to see live baby sheep or what a fresh cut cotton field looks like.”
McGolden is to be honored by the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry as part of the state’s annual Oklahoma Ag Day celebration on Tuesday, April 16.
“Mrs. McGolden made a lasting impact on her students because she truly goes above and beyond to connect and nurture,” Church said. “Mrs. McGolden walks into games and events like a hero because the vast majority of our students had her as their Pre-K teacher.”
Teacher of the Year sponsors include Oklahoma Ag Credit, Oklahoma Beef Council, Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women and ODAFF.
To learn more about Ag in the Classroom curriculum and resources, visit www.agclassroom.org/ok or contact Emily Ague at (405) 885-1851 or emily.ague@ag.ok.gov.