For more information:
Emily Ague, Ag in the Classroom Coordinator
emily.ague@ag.ok.gov | 405.885.1851
March 15, 2024
AITC Summer Road Trip Applications Now Available
OKLAHOMA CITY — Are you ready to hit the road with Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom? Applications are now available for the 2024 Summer Road Trip set for June 4-6, 2024.
“The summer road trip is one of my favorite professional learning opportunities we provide for educators,” said AITC Coordinator, Emily Ague. “It is an incredible opportunity for teachers to experience agriculture throughout Oklahoma and return to their classrooms with tools and knowledge they can share with their students. Teachers will return with a network of resources and support, as well as many new friends.”
Oklahoma teachers will travel with AITC from Norman to Stillwater to experience agriculture in the areas surrounding the state’s two Bedlam universities. Sponsored by the Oklahoma Beef Council, road trip highlights will include tours of cattle ranches, turf, equestrian, and much more.
“This trip would not be possible without the support of the Oklahoma Beef Council,” Ague said. “We are so thankful to them and excited for our teachers to meet the wonderful beef producers during the trip.”
The road trip is open to all Oklahoma early childhood, elementary, middle school and high school teachers. Morrison High School teacher Tammy Will attended last year.
“Oklahoma AITC Bedlam Series was spectacular thanks to the prep and planning,” said Will. “This fun-filled, three-day adventure provided an opportunity to learn about our state agriculture and how educators can incorporate agriculture in their standards-based curriculum. I enjoyed connecting with other teachers across the state while sharing lesson ideas and resources.”
The cost per teacher is $75 and payment will include all food and hotel room for two nights. Registration closes March 30.
To learn more about Ag in the Classroom Summer Road Trip, contact Emily Ague at 405-885-1851 or emily.ague@ag.ok.gov.