Consumer Protection Services
Consumer Protection Services strives to provide consumers and the Oklahoma agriculture and urban communities with the highest level of service possible including ensuring and enforcing quality standards for agricultural products, regulating pesticide use, providing information and technical assistance to consumers. The laws regulated by this division impact the goods and services associated with Oklahoma’s apiary, ag-lime, ornamental plant, vegetable plant, feed, seed, fertilizer, pesticide, ethanol, nursery, grain, hemp, scrap metal, and weights and measures industries.
Benefits of European Honey Bees
Honey bees are a vital part of modern agriculture in the United States and the world. They are responsible for pollinating a wide variety of crops, fruits and vegetables. Modern honey bees are named the European Honey Bee because they were brought over to the United States by European settlers in the 1600’s. Below are some important contributions of EHB.
- Produce about 4 million pounds of beeswax
- Produce bee pollen, bee venom, royal jelly, etc.
- Pollinate greater than 90 cultivated crops with an estimated value of $20 billion
- Contribution from pollination effects every third bite of food consumed
Rules and Regulations
- Oklahoma Apiary Act
- Oklahoma Honey Sales Act
- Beekeeper Registration
- ODAFF Migratory Beekeeper Permit Application (Fillable and Printable)
- ODAFF Voluntary Beekeeper Registration Application (Fillable and Printable)
- ODAFF Apiary Inspection Request Form
- ODAFF Apiary Complaint Form
Beekeepers List
- Beekeepers with bees for Pollination
- Northeastern Oklahoma Beekeeper Association–Eastern Oklahoma Swarm Catchers
- Oklahoma State Beekeeper Association—Statewide Swarm Catchers
Protecting Bees
Sensitive Crop Viewer
- Environmentally Sensitive Area Registry
- Sensitive Crop Viewer
- Sensitive Crop Registry Guide
- Sensitive Crop Viewer How To
Africanized Honey Bees
Facts about Africanized Bees
The Africanized Honey Bee is a hybrid of one of the several European Honey Bee subspecies (Apis mellifera mellifera, A.m.carnica, A.m.caucasia, or A.m.linguica) and the African Honey Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata). The hybrid is virtually indistinguishable in the field from the European Honey Bee (EHB). The AHB will set up colonies in the same areas as the EHB and will also nest close to or in the ground. The most noticeable difference between the two types of bees is that AHB is extremely aggressive in defense of the colony. At any perceived threat, bees can “swarm” out of the colony and attack, stinging in large numbers, sometimes in the hundreds.
Some people are allergic to bee stings. If you start swelling or have trouble breathing, see a doctor. If you are stung multiple times, see a doctor.
Confirmed Africanized Honey Bees Counties
Avoid Bees
Bee Control
- Environmental Research & Conservation-Columbia University
- Texas A&M “Bee Alert: What is the Africanized Honeybee?”
- Smithsonian Institution-Encyclopedia Smithsonian “Bug Info”
- Ag Lime
- Feed
- Fertilizer
- Boll Weevil
- Grain Warehouse
- Industrial Hemp
- Noxious Weeds
- Nursery
- Pest Survey
- Phytosanitary Certificate
- Quarantines
- Seed
- Soil Amendment
- Weed Free Forage
- Endangered Species
- Examinations
- Oklahoma Combined Pesticide Law and Rules
- Pesticide Complaints
- Pesticide Licensing
- Pesticide Applicator Certification Guide
- Pesticide Producer Establishments
- Pesticide Registration
- Private Applicators
- Restricted Use Pesticide Dealer Permit
- Sensitive Crop Viewer
- Testing & Certification
- Water Quality
- Worker Protection Standards
Weights and Measures
The purpose of the Weights and Measures program is to protect consumers and businesses by ensuring that commercial weighing and measuring devices are serviced properly and perform within acceptable tolerances. Package commodities are inspected for net quantity, method of sale, proper labeling, and that the correct price is charged. Field personnel perform inspections which ensure consumer protection while providing a standard for private industry.
- Printable Apprentice Service Technician License Application Form
- Printable Device Service Technician License Application Form
- Printable Service Agency License Application Form
- Oklahoma Service Technician and Service Agency Act & Rules
- Oklahoma Weights and Measures Law & Rules
- Placing In-Service Report
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbooks
- Online Service Agency License
All scrap metal dealers are required to obtain a license from the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry. A scrap metal dealer is defined as: “Any person, firm or corporation who is a retailer or wholesale business which buys, sells, salvages, processes, or otherwise handles scrap metal materials”. To obtain a license each applicant submit a completed application with the appropriate fees, pass a national criminal background check, and provide proof of the following:
- Legal proof of ownership, lease agreement or contract for the business location;
- Proof of a dedicated telephone line for the business location;
- Proof of general liability insurance policy of not less than $500,000 for the business location;
- Proof of a current discharge permit issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Act;
- Photo ID;
- Two (2) full sets of fingerprints on the cards provided. To obtain your fingerprints take the cards provided to your local police or sheriff’s department and have them assist you. You will need to submit both cards with the application. (The Department will submit them to the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) for processing).
The license is good for one year, effective November 1st through October 31st of each calendar year. The total application fee is $241. This includes $100 for the initial application, $100 investigative fee, and $41 for the national criminal background check. Please Contact Gary Smith, to receive an Application.
Consumer Protection Services
2800 N. Lincoln Blvd
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Fax: (405) 522-0625
Mailing Address:
Consumer Protection Services
PO Box 528804
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-8804
- Kenny Naylor; Director, (405) 522-5879
- Micki Smithee; Administrative Officer, (405) 522-5879
- Aaron Elam; Assistant Director, (405) 522-5976
- Ryan Williams; Assistant Director, (405) 522-5993
- Caroline Vesper; Hemp, Restricted Use Pesticide Dealers Licensing, and Apiary Program, (405) 522-5974
- Chengcheng Tan; Environmental Program and Pesticide Registration, (405) 522-5477
- Cody Walls; Feed Program, (405) 522-5891
- Joshua Maples; Fertilizer Program, (405) 522-4057
- Kaci Hubbell; Nursery Program, (405) 522-5971
- Megan Parker; Pesticide Certification & Training Administrator, (405) 522-5972
- Dray Williams; Pesticide Complaints Program, (405) 522-5981
- Gary Smith; Weights and Measures and Scrap Metal Program, (405) 522-5968
- Tori Gillispie; Seed Program, (405) 522-5452
- Shandra Morton; Feed Program, (405) 522-5894
- Mary Ricciotti; Nursery and Phytosanitary Certificates, (405) 522-5953
- Debbie Mandrell; Pesticide CEU’s, (405) 522-5949
- Heather Saintamour; Pesticide Certified Applicators and Private Applicators, (405) 522-5950
- Shalonda Ligons; Pesticide Business Licensing, (405) 522-5984
- Josh Rigdon; Pesticide Registration, (405) 522-3063
- Krystal Newell; Fertilizer and Weights and Measures Program, (405) 522-5985
- Sonja Braxton; APO 1-Hemp, Pesticide, Seed, & Apiary, (405) 522-5989
- Joe Rackley; Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey Coordinator, (405) 205-2709
- Joe Privett; Grain Warehouse Examiner, (405) 850-8570
- Pesticide Licensing, pesticide@ag.ok.gov
- Pesticide Registration, pestreg@ag.ok.gov
- Scales being placed into service, scales@ag.ok.gov
- Hemp Licensing, hemp@ag.ok.gov
- Colt Stearns, (405) 205-2710
- Jack Mills, (405) 323-0066
- James Schoppa, (405) 406-1612
- Jarrod Sanders, (405) 397-5902
- Jasmine Middleton, (405) 443-7400
- John Nunnery, (405) 208-9497
- Keith Neugebauer, (405) 301-4202
- Kenneth Newton, (405) 205-2693
- Bryce Williams, (405) 388-8949
- To Be Filled, (405) 227-7624
- Richard Folsom, (405) 205-2694
- Richie London, (405) 658-3775
- Rusty Patzack, (405) 205-7444
- Gersende Cazaux, (405) 519-0974
- Joe Rackley, (405) 205-2709
- Joe Privett, (405) 850-8570
- Ron Ramsey; Scale Technician, (405) 834-2135
- Scott Novak; Scale Technician, (405) 205-2691