For more information:
Dieter Rudolph, OFS Forest Health Specialist
dieter.rudolph@ag.ok.gov | 405.640.9492
April 23, 2024
Emerald Ash Borer Confirmed in Three Oklahoma Counties
OKLAHOMA CITY — The destructive Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is present in McCurtain, Choctaw, and Carter Counties in southern Oklahoma as confirmed by USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
The invasive insect is killing all species of ash trees in North America. EAB was first found in the United States in southeastern Michigan in 2002. The insect was first confirmed in Oklahoma in Delaware County October 12, 2016.
EAB lays eggs in the cracks of ash trees. Those eggs hatch and the larvae burrow into the tree and feed on the inner bark. Larvae emerge as adults in the spring and remain active until the end of summer.
EAB is present in 35 States and spreading. It is likely there are additional, undetected infestations. In addition to EAB’s ability to spread on its own, people have also inadvertently spread the pest by moving infested firewood.
EAB is the primary cause of our nation’s extensive ash decline. Since its discovery, EAB has killed tens of millions of ash trees and has cost municipalities, property owners, nursery operators, and forest products industries tens of millions of dollars.
The most effective way to combat a highly invasive and fast-spreading pest such as EAB is to slow the spread as best we can. This is done through chemical and biological controls as well as by continuing to urge people to NOT MOVE FIREWOOD. Buy it where you burn it.
Oklahoma Forestry Services is the state’s lead wildland firefighting agency. For wildfire information, county burn ban resolutions, and the Oklahoma “Wildfire Situation Report” visit forestry.ok.gov.