For more information:
Keith Merckx, Public Information Officer
keith.merckx@ag.ok.gov | 405.664.4908
March 11, 2025
Increased Wildfire Danger This Week
OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Forestry Services is urging an elevated level of caution as the risk of wildfire increases throughout the week.
Dry conditions are expected for nearly the entire state leading up to a forecast of possible late-week extreme fire weather. As conditions get warmer and drier throughout the week, large and significant wildfire potential is anticipated. By Thursday, fuels across the western and northern counties will be right for wildfires that will be difficult to control once ignited. There is an increasing probability of a Southern Great Plains Wildfire Outbreak with Friday’s forecast weather system.
“Seasonal wildland fuel dryness will increase as we progress through the week,” said State Forester Mark Goeller. “OFS is keeping a close eye on wildland fuel moisture levels and fire weather forecasts to ensure maximum preparedness. We hope everyone across Oklahoma will do their part to prevent wildfire ignitions.”
Prescribed and controlled burning is expected to increase in frequency early in the week. Anyone conducting outdoor burns is strongly encouraged to monitor the burn daily and extinguish any hot spots that would possibly allow the fire to escape control lines.
All Oklahomans are encouraged to take the following precautions:
- Avoid all activities that may spark wildfire.
- Immediately report fires by calling 911.
- Evacuate as informed by law enforcement and emergency responders.
- Monitor for wildfire incidents and issued warnings.
Oklahoma Forestry Services is the state’s lead wildland firefighting agency. For wildfire information, county burn ban resolutions, a daily Fire Weather Matrix and the Oklahoma “Wildfire Situation Report” visit forestry.ok.gov.