Oklahoma Forest Stewardship Plan

Oklahoma Forestry Services believes that with the right to own forested land comes responsibility to maintain healthy well-managed forests.  Oklahoma’s Forest Stewardship Program provides free technical assistance to landowners to encourage and enable active long-term forest management. Participation in the program is open to any non-industrial private forest landowners who are committed to the active management and stewardship of their forested properties for at least ten years.

A primary focus of the program is to develop comprehensive, multi-resource management plans that provide landowners with the information they need to manage their forests for a variety of products and services.

A brochure describing the program and enrollment information is available. For guidelines relating to Forest Stewardship plan development, see the following publications:

Caring for your Forest with a Forest Stewardship Plan

Planning for Forest Stewardship: A Desk Guide

For more information contact the OFS Forester near you or complete the application in the brochure above.