July 6, 2022

For More Information:
Melody Aufill, Ag in the Classroom Coordinator
melody.aufill@ag.ok.gov | 405.795.0121

OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. – From June 27 to July 1, educators from across the country gathered for the National Ag in the Classroom Conference in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Twenty-five Oklahoma teachers attended the conference, alongside ODAFF Ag in the Classroom staff, Emily Ague, Melody Aufill and Annie Davis. 

While at the conference, participants attended workshops teaching new, creative ways to implement agricultural lessons in everyday classroom activities, connecting with like-minded educators from across the state and nation, and toured a variety of venues highlighting the New York agricultural industry. 

Oklahoma delegates taught nine educational workshops, exploring topics like aquaponics, pecans, soybeans, gardening and agricultural literacy. Over 500 conference attendees took part in the workshops presented by Oklahomans.

“It was exciting that so many of our Oklahoma teachers had the opportunity to go to the national conference this year.” said Melody Aufill, Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom Coordinator. “We all had fun exploring New York agriculture, eating lots of dairy, networking with other educators, and brainstorming ideas for the upcoming year.”

Many educators were awarded funding to attend the conference and to implement what they learned in their classrooms. The scholarship winners are as follows:

2022 White-Reinhardt Award

·         Christie Puckett, Maysville

Oklahoma Ag Credit 2022 AITC Teacher of the Year Scholarship

·         Teresa Brunnemer, Morrison

CHS Foundation Teacher Scholarship

·         Jacey Duncan, Carney 

·         Keri Thompson, Bryant Elementary, Moore

·         Anna Wofford, Frederick 

·         Zena Lewis, Owasso

·         Teresa Brunnemer, Morrison

·         Dusti McCartney, Ada

Native American Agriculture Fund Scholarship 

·         Amber Bales, Morrison

·         Luke Broadbent, Leedy

·         Alicia Chairo, Cushing

·         Jennifer Crosthwait, Skyline Elementary, Stillwater

·         Johnnie Keel, Norman

·         NaDeena LaVarnway, Stuart

·         Erika Payton, Perkins

Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom offers over 300 agriculture-based lessons aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards. If you are interested in learning more, contact a state coordinator by visiting www.agclassroom.org/ok.
