OKLAHOMA CITY—Scott Yates was recently named the Director of the Food Safety division at the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry by Secretary of Agriculture, Blayne Arthur.
“I am pleased to name Scott Yates as the new State Director of Food Safety,” said Secretary of Agriculture, Blayne Arthur. “With his extensive experience and leadership abilities, I have complete confidence Scott is the right person to lead the division forward to the next level.”
Yates is no stranger to the agriculture industry. His career began as an agriculture education educator for over nine years. He has been with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry division for eight years, serving as an inspector, inspection coordinator and program administrator in the meat and poultry industry.
“I hope to regulate and promote food safety in Oklahoma while protecting the public through the services we provide in our division,” Yates said. The ODAFF Food Safety Division enforces Federal and State laws and rules relating to the production of food and food products derived from animals. Yates and his staff ensure the food supply of Oklahoma derived from meat, poultry, eggs and milk is safe and properly labeled.