For more information:
Kirsten Hollansworth, Public Engagement Specialist
kirsten.hollansworth@ag.ok.gov | 405.862.8496
March 29, 2024
Terry Stuart Forst Named 2024 Agriculture Hall of Fame Inductee
OKLAHOMA CITY — Terry Stuart Forst, a fifth generation Oklahoman who owns and manages the state’s oldest and most continuous family-operated ranch, has been named the 2024 recipient of Governor Stitt’s Outstanding Achievement in Agriculture Award. Forst is the 27th inductee into the Oklahoma Agriculture Hall of Fame and becomes the first woman to earn the state’s most prestigious agricultural honor.
“I have a tremendous amount of respect for Terry Stuart Forst as a rancher, a leader and an Oklahoman,” said Sec. of Agriculture Blayne Arthur. “Having had the chance to visit her operation and watch Terry and her family work side-by-side to build and continue the success of their business, I know first-hand how deserving she is of this award. Terry is incredibly accomplished and has already received several accolades, so it’s very fitting that she is the latest inductee into the Oklahoma Agriculture Hall of Fame.”
Forst’s leadership of the 7S Stuart Ranch has left a profound impact on the agriculture industry in Oklahoma. The 45,000-acre cattle and horse operation represents a model of best management practices and has become one of the most elite ranches in the Southwest.
Forst strives to improve all facets of her ranch while maintaining practices designed to conserve resources and shares learned experiences with the community. Forst continually devotes her talent and time by consulting on beef production methods and volunteering her own assets for workshops and demonstrations.
A lifelong learner, her dedication to research and excellence has led to improvements in every aspect of the operation, from pasture and rangeland health to livestock efficiency and longevity and overall business profitability.
Forst adds this honor to a long list of accomplishments that include induction into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame and the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame. She also received the Oklahoma State University Distinguished Alumni Award. She served as a president of the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association, is a recipient of the Cattleman of the Year Award and received many other recognitions for her leadership in sustainability and ranch management.
Forst will be formally honored at an event this summer. The details will be announced on a later date.