For more information:
Keith Merckx, Information Representative
Keith.Merckx@ag.ok.gov | 405.664.4908
September 27, 2023
Tree Seedling Sale Begins October 2
GOLDSBY, Okla. — More than 30 varieties of tree seedlings native to Oklahoma will be on sale beginning Monday, October 2. The annual sale of seedlings intended for conservation planting is highly anticipated and many of the more popular varieties sometimes sell out quickly.
Conservation tree seedlings are grown throughout the year at the OFS Forest Regeneration Center located in Goldsby. The goals of Oklahoma’s Forest Regeneration Program are to keep forestlands in forest, and to offer tree planting as a viable solution to some of Oklahoma’s most pressing environmental issues.
“Trees provide so many benefits to our everyday lives. They filter clean air, provide fresh drinking water, stabilize climate, and create homes for thousands of species of plants and animals,” said OFS Assistant Director and Forest Management Chief Craig Marquardt. “Our sale is a way to make available to Oklahoma landowners the best specimens of the best species for each region.”
The State Nursery sells over 30 varieties of trees and shrubs, chosen for their ability to meet the challenges of Oklahoma’s tough climate. Years of selecting from the best seed sources available for each species and careful growing practices in our nursery have resulted in seedlings adaptable to a wide range of planting conditions. Talk to our Regeneration Staff or your local Service Forester for recommendations for your area and how to properly plant seedlings.
Seedlings are distributed as bare-root and containerized and can be planted for several different purposes including timber production, wildlife habitat improvement, erosion control and windbreaks. The State Nursery also has special options available including Genetically Improved Southern Pines and Conservation Planting Packets.
For more information about the sale, to download a PDF copy of the 2023-2024 seedling catalog, or to learn more about the best trees to plant in your area, visit ag.ok.gov/shop or contact the State Nursery in Goldsby at frc@ag.ok.gov or 405-288-2385.