For more information:
Kirsten Hollansworth, Public Engagement Specialist
kirsten.hollansworth@ag.ok.gov | 405.862.8496
December 12, 2024
Brian McDowell Named Director of Laboratory Services
OKLAHOMA CITY — Brian McDowell of Edmond was recently named the Director of the Laboratory Services division at the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
“I am pleased to welcome Brian back to our team in this new capacity,” said Oklahoma Secretary of Agriculture, Blayne Arthur. “His leadership and expertise will certainly make a significant and positive impact on the Laboratory Services division.”
McDowell joined ODAFF in early 2003 as a microbiologist in the Inorganics Lab before moving to the Dairy and Food Safety Section, where he became the Supervisor and Laboratory Evaluation Officer in 2012.
In 2016, McDowell transitioned to Cytovance Biologics, eventually becoming the Quality Control Microbiology Section Manager. After gaining experience in the private sector, he accepted the Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manager position at the Oklahoma State Department of Health – Public Health Laboratory (OSDH-PHL).
“I’m excited to return to ODAFF and eager to contribute the new knowledge and experiences I’ve gained,” McDowell said. “My goal is to help lead the laboratory in its growth and the continuous improvement of our vital work.”
The Laboratory Services division accurately tests the samples submitted to assure the quality of agricultural products sold, protect the environment, test dairy products for safety and assure the correctness of weights and measures.
For more information, contact Kirsten Hollansworth at kirsten.hollansworth@ag.ok.gov.