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Locust, Black

Robinia pseudoacacia


Spiny medium-sized tree 50 feet high, with forking, slightly angled trunk and irregular open crown of upright branches. Scattered to common in moist to dry sandy and rocky slopes of mountains, in open areas forming thickets from root sprouts. Black locusts are popular trees for shade and ornament, shelterbelts, wildlife, and erosion control. Planted also along old fields and lands strip-mined for coal. The flowers of black locust produce good honey.

  • Price:


  • SKU: 2
  • Type: Hardwood
  • Hardiness Zones: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  • Moisture Zones: All, but Panhandle
  • Soil Type: Acidic, All, Clay, Dry, Moist, Moist to Alkaline, Moist, Well Drained, Most, Silt, Wet
  • Windbreak: Good
  • Erosion Control: Superior
  • Wildlife: Good
  • Product Type: Bare-Root Seedlings

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