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Pine, ponderosa

Pinus ponderosa


A large tree reaching to over 70 feet tall (230 feet max in west US.) and a trunk to 1.5 feet in diameter (8 feet max in west US.), with an open, rounded crown of dark green needles.  The most important commercial pine of the southwestern U.S. and many parts of the Rocky Mountain region. Planted for shelter belts, ornament, and shade. Prefers drier soil. 

  • Price:


  • SKU: 11-O
  • Type: Conifer
  • Hardiness Zones: 5, 6, 7
  • Moisture Zones: Central, Western
  • Soil Type: Dry
  • Windbreak: Superior
  • Erosion Control: Fair
  • Wildlife: Good
  • Product Type: Bare-Root Seedlings

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